Top 10k strings from Quill Adventure System, The (1983)(Gilsoft International).tap
in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational - [TAP] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /
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2 o)oAoRojolo 2 Serial C database." 1 x,q-q1*256 1 written by Graeme Yeandle. 1 will fail in 1 insert a blank tape for the 1 in a Serial A 1 database, do the conversion and then ask you for a filename for the Serial C database before 1 converted to Serial C. If thereare less than 990 bytes spare 1 another database (Y/N)? ";a$: 1 \D]G]B]|]I]I]I]- 1 Version C02 1 UDG's at 27356 1 The Quill Adventure System 1 The Quill 1 Serial C database ";a$: 1 Serial A Database." 1 SERIAL C DATABASE": 1 SAVING it." 1 Quill Serial A database into a 1 Quill C 1 Press any key to continue" 1 Press any key for the Main Menu 1 A-C CONV. 1 '"Note that there must be at least990 bytes spare in the Serial A database to enable it to be 1 '"Line 9990 can be used to make a backup copy of this program." 1 '"Convertion complete 1 "Type in filename for 1 "This program will convert a 1 "Start Tape to 1 "Remove Serial C tape.": 1 "Remove Serial A tape & 1 "Do you want to convert 1 "A-C CONV." 1 written by G.Y. 1 the database Editor or of the 1 copying, hiring or lending of 1 Manual is strictly prohibited. 1 1983 GILSOFT. Unauthorised 1 1983 GILSOFT 1 The Quill Adventure System